Sunday, October 7, 2012

The War on Men

     A thought occurred to me the other day as I listened to a breast cancer commercial on the radio, probably the fifth or sixth one for that day. I wondered, where were the commercials about prostate cancer, or the walks to end prostate cancer, or the male version of the pink ribbon. I assumed that prostate cancer must be much more rare than breast cancer. One check of the Google machine told me that, on a yearly basis, there are as many men diagnosed with prostate cancer as there are women diagnosed with breast cancer. So why the very public support for anti-breast cancer initiatives and the apparent lack of recognition of prostate cancer? I think it is all part of a war on men that has taken place over the last 20 to 30 years.
     One only needs to watch any recent situation comedy or commercial to see men being denigrated and mocked. They're stupid and neanderthal. And it is perfectly OK, according to these pop culture sources, for even children to marginalize and mock their fathers. Part and parcel to this anti-male thinking is the emphasis put on the positive nature of female traits and the negative emphasis on male traits. Inherently male traits have been discouraged in young males for the last 20 years. Even though studies have shown that women are attracted to, and seek out men with the very traits that have been discouraged in young males. The most sublime example is forcing little boys to play with dolls instead of trucks and guns, the most harmful is the diagnosis of Attention Deficit Disorder in many young males. A recent study completed by the University of Michigan found that every year over a million young males are misdiagnosed with ADD. Part of the reason is the increased funding that schools receive for each case they diagnose, and part of the reason is the desire on the left to mitigate the influence in society of male traits.
     One of the most harmful effects of the war on men is the rise in single-mother homes. Young women are brain-washed into thinking that they don't need a man to have children, beyond providing the sperm for conception. This has caused many problems in our society, statistics and studies have shown that those raised in single-parent homes are much more likely to have drug and alcohol problems. They are also more likely to end up in prison, nearly 80 percent of all those in prison are from single-parent homes. Conversely, those children who are raised by a mother and a father who live in the same home, are much more likely to have happier and more successful lives.
     I don't think that it is any secret that a child receives positive traits from both the male and female characteristics of their mother and father. Emphasizing one over the other, or compelling young boys to mimic the female traits that they don't inherently possess, is not only destructive to them, but is destructive to our society as a whole. Let girls be girls and boys be boys and celebrate the better angels of both sexes, this is the recipe for a better society with fewer of the social ills caused by denying the very nature of men and women.

Click here to check out my political song parodies.


  1. I mentioned this same thing a few years ago. This is so very true.

  2. I agree 100% that TV shows send a message! It use to be porn was behind closed doors and now it also is out there for young ones to watch. Between the many pathetic commercials and the father/husband bashing TV shows making men out as somewhat of an idiot, I have decided to turn off the cable service. My daughter and her husband also have shut off the cable TV. Their young one is almost 2 and they do not want him watching this in his most important years. I have bookmarked and will be looking for more posts. Thank you!

    1. Thanks for your comment and congratulations on you and your family's decision to get rid of cable. I did it five years ago and haven't looked back.

  3. Who is forcing boys to play with dolls?

    1. Many "enlightened" parents of the new age are.
