Friday, December 4, 2015

The Hypocrisy of Mark Levin

     I was driving home late from work last night, and as if my stress level was not high enough from the day's machinations, I decided to listen to talk radio's biggest hypocrite, Mark Levin. Not that I disagree with much of what the former Reagan aide says, albeit the tactics he uses to say them bares no resemblance to arguably the greatest of our presidents of the last 100 years, if not our entire history. Last night Mr. Levin was falling all over himself, and quite noticeably slobbering over his guest, Senator Mike Lee, over the bill that passed the senate to repeal much of ObamaCare.
     I am certainly not a defender of the horrible piece of socialist legislation passed by Democrats with not even one Republican vote in either the Senate or the House, known as the Affordable Care Act. But the current Senate bill to repeal it, and more importantly Mr. Levin's sycophantic support of it, illustrates a real hypocrisy in the approach of the "conservative" author and talk show host. In the over 40 bills passed by the House of Representatives under the leadership of John Boehner that aimed to repeal ObamaCare, not one was free of Mark Levin's derision.
     Mr. Levin mocked the former Speaker and his colleagues for wasting time on showboat legislation that was only going to be vetoed by President Obama, or die in the Democrat-controlled Senate at the time. But he seems gleefully supportive of Senators Lee and Cruz's bill to repeal the Affordable Care Act, even though it is headed for the same fate as all the House bills passed that aimed to do the same thing. I must surmise that Mark Levin's conservatism is not based on what value is advanced, but who advances it. 
     The fact is that Mr. Levin is so slavishly devoted to Mr. Cruz and Mr. Lee, and by extension their supporters, he is afraid to judge them by the same harsh standards he uses on those Republicans he calls, "Rinos," "traitors," and a slew of other derogatory sophomoric terms. His support for the Cruz/Lee bill, when he has been so dismissive of the Boehner House attempts to pass the same type of bills, shows a hypocrisy, that while being a major part or Mr. Levin's definition of conservatism, has no place in the edifice of conservatism built on the constitution, and by men like Ronald Regan, William F. Buckley Jr., Barry Goldwater, et al.
     I have written before about this new movement in the conservative arena whereby some pundits like Mark Levin have taken up the mantle of half-truths, fact-manipulation, and alternative-reality-building so successfully employed by the modern Left. If we as conservatives are to show a better way forward we can not simply employ the same tactics of the Left to advance a different message, but must engage honest and ethical methods to win hearts and minds. It appears that those like Mr. Levin believe conservatism is all about what one says and not what one does.


  1. I have no problem with Mark. He has great insight and experience. Somebody has to step up to the plate and hit some home runs or at least get us on base. This is definately an uphill battle that needs to be strong and direct. What use to work in the past is not working now. It is all about new tactics with new people. That is the only thing that will work in this area. Thanks for your time. You are a good man!!!

  2. I have no problem with Mark. He has great insight and experience. Somebody has to step up to the plate and hit some home runs or at least get us on base. This is definately an uphill battle that needs to be strong and direct. What use to work in the past is not working now. It is all about new tactics with new people. That is the only thing that will work in this area. Thanks for your time. You are a good man!!!

  3. Ron, thanks for reading. As stated in my blog my problem with Mr. Levin is the dishonesty he employs to advance what he calls the conservative agenda. To me the stool of conservatism is held up by honesty.

  4. I too agree with Ron. Lavin has some really good core beliefs and I really like Cruz. At least they stand up for the Constitution, which has been sorely tattered by our Government and
