Sunday, December 2, 2012

The Damaging Effect Of Diveristy On Education

     Equality is the left's version of the golden calf. They have elevated it to the status of a god worthy of their worship, and have melted down every other value of our culture to create it. They have even bastardized this great nation's founding documents in order to have some authority with which to empower government to achieve it. The Declaration of Independence and Constitution do not guarantee equality of results, only that all men are equal in the eyes of God and under the law. The form with which equality takes as it relates to our education system, as it does with so many other areas of our culture, is diversity.
     Diversity, on its face, seems like a good and moral goal. Who would be against the idea of inclusivity in any area of our national life, especially education? But as it is with so many seemingly moral ideas, the left sees them only as opportunities to expand the scope and power of centralized government to the benefit of the ruling class. The bigger question, as it relates to education, is have we sacrificed excellence in order to achieve some bureaucratic idea of diversity? I think the evidence is clear that we have.
      Some may think that diversity relates only to ethnicity and race in the classroom, but it is so much more than that. Government administered diversity has resulted in an education system that teaches to the lowest common denominator. This causes the emphasis to be placed on failure rather than success. Lower achieving students are not raised up, but rather the higher achievers are, in a sense, lowered down. Diversity is responsible for many schools abandoning honor rolls and even meaningful grading systems, so as not to make the less-gifted or less ambitious students feel bad. Excellence in higher achieving students is not used as a motivational goal for the students at the lower end of the academic achievement scale, but is discouraged all together.
     As a result of the Liberal insistence on using the full force of government to make the classroom more diverse, they have actually made it less so. The students are asked to sacrifice a quality education in the name of diversity, which has the effect of an equally lower result for all students with very little room for excellence. Real diversity comes from teaching to a higher standard and expecting all students to meet it. It doesn't come from tethering more gifted students to lower achievers for the purpose of artificially inflating the self-esteems of those at the lower end of the academic achievement scale. It is only through an emphasis on a higher academic standard, for all students, that we can achieve excellence and diversity in our education system.

Click here to watch my latest political song parody. Posted November 26, 2012.   


  1. You articles are right to the point and excellent. I am a disabled veteran and l love my country very much. To see what is happening to it pisses me off. Keep up the excellent work, I look forward to reading your posts everyday.

    1. Pops64, Thanks for your kind words and for reading my blog. But more importantly thank you for your service, none of us would have anything without people like you.

  2. Damon, I just ran across your blog. You are dead on!!! It's like a breath of fresh air. I know that I am not alone on my thinking, but it is wonderful to run across someone that shares the same beliefs. God bless!


    1. Ray, Thanks for the kind words and for reading my blog. I hope I can continue to warrant your patronage.
